Adweek: Global Media Agency of the Year OMD Turned a Comeback Into a Formula for Repeatable Success

Adweek recently announced our fellow Omnicom agency, OMD, as the Global Media Agency of the Year for the second year in a row.

OMD team members discuss how Omni has given them a competitive edge in powering their campaigns.

The agency’s determination to not rest on its laurels led it to implement a formula for repeatable success based on its “Better decisions, faster” positioning, utilizing Omnicom’s data platform Omni via its OMD Design system while bringing its global momentum to the U.S. in full force and leading Omnicom Media Group’s largest global pitch of the year. OMD was once again the agency to beat in 2019, leading COMvergence’s new business rankings and earning it the distinction of Adweek’s 2020 Global Media Agency of the Year, its second consecutive such honor and sixth since 2010.

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