CMO Influence on the Rise
As reams of digital data make it possible to know our customers better than ever before, the Chief Marketing Officer is often leading the way when it comes to leveraging data to better serve customers and bolster the bottom line. By doing so, many CMOs may also increase their own…
The Buzz From SXSW
While SXSW is over for 2015, the buzz it generates will have marketers, technologists, developers and everyone else thinking about how to implement what they learned. And while those lucky enough to attend were constantly running from panel to party to performance, they likely missed something in the swirl. If…
Why Public Relations Needs Data
PR — it’s about more than crisis control. It’s about storytelling, specifically, telling the right story at the right time. Data analysis tools can go a long way toward supporting this. Yet many PR professionals are hesitant about embracing data as a part of their toolkit. They subscribe to a…
A Fresh Start On Relationships
January marks peak season for online dating sites and many singles look to update their relationship status, with some sites reporting a jump in signups as high as 26%. Online dating is now a more than $2 billion industry, and it’s growing quickly, according to a November 2014 market research…
Cannes Adds New Data Award Next Year
Big data is moving even more into the mainstream. Companies using it to drive creativity will now be able to compete to find out who does it best at the world’s most prestigious festival – the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity in the South of France. In June 2015,…