Category Archives: Mobile

2016 Marketing Resolutions

Our suggested marketing New Year’s resolutions are diverse, but they all fall under one common banner: getting smarter to up your odds of success in 2016. Even though Christmas is not quite here yet, many people are already anticipating the end of the current year and the start of a…

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Online Holiday Shopping Trends

The old rules of holiday retail are clearly being thrown out the window as online shopping gains new territory, even on in-store events like Black Friday. Events like this year’s Black Friday have shown that the jam-packed store aisles all holiday season are no longer a given. Yet, the deep…

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2016 Trends Data-Driven Marketing

Take a look at our predictions for top trends that are likely to appear in 2016, including how data-driven marketing will occupy an even more crucial role. As ideas and plans that have been stewing for months crystallize, the New Year becomes the perfect time for businesses and brands to…

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Brand Loyalty - Annalect

The proverb has changed: The mobile customer is always right. In typical fashion, I was discussing my latest home décor venture last weekend with one of my closest friends and how it landed me in Target (or ‘Tar-zhay’ for my fashionistas). My friend then said something earth shattering to me,…

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Back to school data - Annalect

In order to capture some of the predicted $68 billion in back to school sales, brands are turning more and more to new media solutions and data-backed insights. Back to school season, with more than $68 billion in total sales at stake, is the second-biggest season for retailers like JC…

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mobile wallet marketing

The mobile payments space is rapidly evolving, with everyone from Apple to Visa releasing ways to pay by mobile device. Mobile payments are expected to more than double this year, to nearly $9 billion. With this much at stake, the major players are competing fiercely for a share of the…

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