Category Archives: Blog

Digital Attribution with cookies

With the 2015 holiday shopping season already looming ahead, here are some of the ways that brands are building 360° profiles through cross-site tracking. Techniques for digital tracking across sites are becoming a crucial tool for digital marketers. The waning reliability of traditional cookie files and the explosion of multi-device browsing…

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Breast Cancer Data

Harnessing the power of big data and analytical processing is helping give researchers a fighting chance against breast cancer and similar maladies. October is breast cancer awareness month. With more than 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed each year, according to the American Cancer Society, getting a handle…

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Brand Loyalty - Annalect

The proverb has changed: The mobile customer is always right. In typical fashion, I was discussing my latest home décor venture last weekend with one of my closest friends and how it landed me in Target (or ‘Tar-zhay’ for my fashionistas). My friend then said something earth shattering to me,…

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TV trends

It’s that time of the year again: the beginning of a new TV season. The late-night wars might be a thing of the past and the top shows are more diverse than ever before. But like the dynamic duo of Scully and Mulder, the more things change, the more they…

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WSJ - Annalect

TV networks have been shelling out big bucks to market their new fall TV lineup—and for good reason. Even as the TV industry faces mounting pressure from consumers who are opting to “cut the cord” or watch programs on streaming services and mobile devices, new research from data and analytics…

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Big Data Myths

Separate fact from fiction as we dispel some of the nastier and more persistent myths surrounding big data and how it is being used by brands. The words “big data” have been popping up in the media for a few years now, so we understand if you feel a bit…

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