Case Study - Annalect

Case Study: Dubai Hotel Boosts Marketing Effectiveness by Leveraging First-Party Data


One of the Dubai’s most iconic hotels sought to improve marketing effectiveness — further solidifying their standing as a prime tourist destination.


3 Blockers were Identified

  1. They had lots of rich data across their organization — but it existed in silos.
  2. This siloed data meant their understanding of their customers was fragmented.
  3. There was no single source of truth to help them understand the true impact of their marketing.

While the data they sat on was varied and incredibly rich, it wasn’t used, shared, or accessed in an optimized way. Connections were half-baked and use cases were stagnant.


We re-imagined our client’s MarTech infrastructure, crafting a CDP (Customer Data Platform) which unified their fragmented customer data.

By doing so, their valuable first-party data became accessible and interoperable through Omni — our open operating system for orchestrating better marketing outcomes — allowing them to put this data at the core of their activation process in a privacy-compliant manner.

Integrating and unifying the data they already owned not only drove serious business value, it also enhanced customers’ brand experience by better controlling the ads they saw.

Enhanced Audiences

Customized User Experience

Improved Business Operations



Return on Ad Spend


Average Order Value


Cost per Booking


Integrating and unifying first-party data with a CDP — making it accessible and interoperable in Omni — drove profound results while improving their bottom-line, and keeping privacy first.

This solution won numerous 2023 Performance Marketing World Global Awards, including the coveted Grand Prix.