Rami Tellez, Associate Director, Omni Applied Solutions, Annalect

Close-Up: Rami Tellez, Associate Director of Applied Omni Solutions

Inspired by Pride Month — this spotlight series celebrates the diversity which drives our success, fosters strong values, and uplifts every individual to become the collective heart of Annalect culture. Join us in recognizing the talent, inspiration, and valuable insights contributing to our vibrant and inclusive community.

Tell us about your current role at Annalect.

I’m part of the Applied Omni Solutions team (Omni is Omnicom’s next-level marketing operating system). I collaborate with teams across Omnicom to formulate unique solutions tailored to their audience needs. I work with amazing people, and each day is different — but never, ever boring!

What do you like to do when you’re not at work?

When I’m not working, you’ll find me running (literally) around New York City. My favorite place to run is Central Park and my favorite event is the NYC Marathon. I’ve made lots of friends and visited many interesting places as a result.

My running recovery recipe includes lots of TV watching, so If you ever need movie or show recommendations, I’m your guy.

What is your proudest professional achievement?

Being part of the team that onboarded a prestigious auto account — it validated my product knowledge and helped me grow as an audience expert. I did an analysis of their data which was presented at one of the pitch meetings. I’m proud I played a part in building that company’s trust.

In celebrating Pride Month, who or what is your biggest inspiration?

I’m inspired by the generations that came before. They’ve endured so much, and I want to make sure they’re celebrated this month. I’m also inspired by how our community continually uplifts one another throughout the year — not just in June.

What message do you have for other LGBTQ+ colleagues, who may be early in their career and looking to grow into leadership positions in their schools, workplaces and communities?

Be curious, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and most importantly, listen. Never take the support and wisdom of colleagues for granted; recognize it as a valuable learning opportunity.