Our Employee Spotlight series is designed to provide a deeper look into our talent here at Annalect across all different roles, teams and experience levels. You can expect to learn about passions inside and outside of our office walls.
What is your current role at Annalect?
I am a senior analyst on the marketing science team working on AT&T. We work alongside other advertising and media agencies (both inside and outside of Omnicom) to help AT&T drive success in their digital advertising; more specifically we work on the creative analytics behind their campaigns.
Describe a passion you have for the type of work you do and how Annalect helps to feed your passion?
I love trying to figure out ways to complete tasks as efficiently as possible. I get enjoyment out of looking at a new data set and trying to figure out what is the best way to organize the information in order to get the most insight out of it. Working at Annalect has given me the chance to work with a wide range of data sources, each one presenting new challenges and insights.
Can you think of a project you were a part of that you really enjoyed? Why?
Recently, I have been tasked with moving our data into the AIP (Annalect Insights Platform), which has been a great experience. It is really cool to work with a new platform, especially one that was built in house, because you can see how your feedback helps improve and strengthen the product.
What made you first enter your field? Was it planned or unplanned?
I was a Math major in college, and went to see statistician speak about how the world is in such demand for data analysts and statisticians because of the amount of information we now have access to, and something really resonated with me. I knew I wanted to get into the world of data somehow, and working in digital analytics has been a great opportunity.
What advice would you give to someone just starting his/her career in your field?
Be open-minded. When it comes to working with data there is more than one way to solve a problem, and there is a lot of room for creativity. If you are fixated on using one approach to solve problems, you end up limiting yourself and the number of solutions.
What do you like to do when you’re not at work?
Sports are a pretty big part of my life outside work. I generally try to play on at least one intermural basketball team every season. We have even been able to get an Annalect team together for a few of the leagues. I also split season tickets for the Mets with friends every year. It’s gotten way better now that the Mets actually win games.

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